Comparison of zoospore morphology
among Aurantiochytrium, Oblongichytrium and


Oblongichytrium 属の遊走細胞は細い長楕円体であり,他の2系統群とは明らかに異なる。
分類学的再編成で Oblongichytrium 属に所属することになった Schizochytrium minutum および Thraustochytrium multirudimentale の原記載でも,この形態的特徴はすでに指摘されていた(Gaertner 1981, Goldstein 1963)。

"In the osmium tetroxide fixed sample the spore shape and size vary strongly.  In contrast to the fixed zoospores the living spores are very uniform in size measuring 5 um long, 2.5 um wide and 1.7 um in the transversal section" in Gaertner (1981).

"The characteristically elongated zoospore contains 1-3 refractive osmiphilic globules and attachment of the unequal flagella is subapical." in Goldstein (1963).

Fig. 4-h in Gaertner A (1981) A new marine phycomycete, Schizochytrium minutum, sp. nov. (Thraustochytriaceae) from Saline Habitats. Veröff Inst Meeresforsch Bremerh 19: 61-69