Enriched animal food: 魚類などの餌の栄養強化

 ラビリンチュラ類を与えたワムシ,アルテミアなどを 魚類の餌とすると,稚魚の生存率が上がるなどの効果があることが知られている。

Barclay W, Zeller S (1996) Nutritional enhancement of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids in rotifers and Artemia nauplii by feeding spray-dried Schizochytrium sp.  J World Aquac Soc 27: 314–322

Hayashi M, Matsumoto R, Yoshimatsu T, Tanaka S, Shimizu S (2002) Isolation of highly DHA-accumulated Labyrinthulales and their utilization for nutritional enrichment of rotifers and Artemia.  Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 68(5): 674-678

Hayashi M, Yukino T, Watanabe F, Miyamoto E, Nakano Y (2007) Effect of vitamin B-12 enriched thraustochytrids on the population growth of rotifers.  Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 71: 221–225

Park HG, Puvanendran V, Kellett A, Parrish CC, Brown JA( 2006) Effect of enriched rotifers on growth, survival, and composition of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).  ICES Journal of Marine Science 63(2): 285-295

Ritar AJ, Dunstan GA, Nelson MM, Brown MR, Nichols PD, Thomas CW, Smith EG, Crear BJ, Kolkovski S (2004) Nutritional and bacterial profiles of juvenile Artemia fed different enrichments and during starvation.  Aquaculture 239: 351-373

Shields RJ, Bell JG, Luizi FS, Gara B, Bromage NR, Sargent JR (1999) Natural copepods are superior to enriched Artemia nauplii as feed for halibut larvae (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in terms of survival, pigmentation and retinal morphology: relation to dietary essential fatty acids. J Nutr 129(6): 1186-1194

Song X, Zhang X, Guo N, Zhu L, Kuang C (2007) Assessment of marine thraustochytrid Schizochytrium limacinum OUC88 for mariculture by enriched feeds. Fish Sci 73: 565–573

Song X, Zhang X, Zhu L (2007) Studies on the DHA enrichment of rotifer with Schizochytrium limanium.  Marine Science (Qingdao) 31(12): 46-51